- 真空管封口机 (2)
- 压电陶瓷极化 (7)
- 压电测量系统 (3)
- P系列-样品 & 样品制备案例 (3)
- 敏感元件测量 (1)
- 铁电分析仪 (1)
- 热释电测量 (4)
- 介电阻抗温度谱测量 (5)
- 压电陶瓷测试 (0)
- 反抗 & 电阻率测量 (5)
MRVS-01 vacuum sealer+ system is mainly used to realize the oxygen-free and water-free vacuum sealing and preservation of samples and high-temperature solid-phase synthesis. The whole system consists of vacuum sealer, 氢氧机, 分子泵单元, 石英管, 管接头, ETC. The standardized customized quartz tube and quartz column ensure the precise matching with the specially designed tube joints, so as to further improve the sealing of quartz tube encapsulation and realize higher standard of vacuum sealing.
MRVS-01 主要使用真空封口机及系统 用于实现样品保存或高温固相合成的无氧、无湿气真空密封. 整个系统由真空封口机组成, 氢氧发生器,分子泵单元,石英管,管接头,和其他组件. 标准化定制石英管和柱确保与专门设计的管接头的精确匹配,进一步增强石英管的密封性能,达到更高的真空密封标准.