
» 介电阻抗温度谱测量

  • 矩阵DMS 1650 系列超高温介质阻抗温度谱仪


    DMS-1650 ultra-high temperature dielectric impedance temperature spectrometer is designed and developed on the basis of DMS1000 which is unanimously approved by customers, mainly used for dielectric materials ultra-high temperature electrical properties research, the highest temperature can reach 1650℃, can realize room temperature, high temperature, 空的, atmosphere conditions; can measure the dielectric constant and dielectric loss, impedance spectrum Cole-Cole diagram, electromechanical coupling coefficient Kp,. Widely used in universities, research institutes and business units in the research of dielectric ceramics.

    • 规格

    MatMeas DMS-1650 ultra-high temperature dielectric impedance temperature spectrometer is designed and developed on the basis of DMS1000 which is unanimously approved by customers, mainly used for dielectric materials ultra-high temperature electrical properties research, the highest temperature can reach 1650℃, can realize room temperature, high temperature, 空的, atmosphere conditions; can measure the dielectric constant and dielectric loss, impedance spectrum Cole-Cole diagram, electromechanical coupling coefficient Kp,. Widely used in universities, research institutes and business units in the research of dielectric ceramics.

    测量温度: 室温~1650℃
    升温速率: 0-10℃/分钟, 典型 3°C/分钟
    控温精度: ±0.5℃
    测量频率: 20赫兹~10兆赫兹
    测量精度: 0.05%
    测量环境: 空气/流动/真空, 选修的
    控温方式: PID精准控温
    测量原理: 平行板电容器原理
    测试通道: 单通道
    测试样品: f<20毫米, d<5毫米块
    电极材料: 上电极 半圆型铂电极, 下电极扁平型铂电极
    数据存储格式: TXT文本格式
    数据传输: USB通讯
    测量参数: Z, 我, C, D, 呃, e”, tgδ, Z’, Z”, 科尔科尔
    电源: 220电压±10%, 50赫兹, 2.6千瓦
    工作温度: 5℃至+40℃
    储存温度: -40°C 至 +65C
    工作湿度: 最多 95% +40C 时的相对湿度 (非冷凝) 设备尺寸: 1260x760x1727mm (长x宽x高)
    重量: 200千克
    保修单: 1 年
    专利号: ZL2015206666054




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