MatMeas DMS-2000 series high and low temperature dielectric impedance temperature spectrometer is upgraded from the VDMS model, which is unanimously recognized by customers, and the system adopts the principle of parallel plate capacitor and combines with D2149-97 standard design and development. The DMS-2000, together with the self-developed LNP-95 liquid ammonia injection system, can achieve a variable temperature environment from -160°C to 450°C to meet the diversified needs of scientific researches.
Temperatura de medição: -160°C~450C
Ramp rate: 0-10°C/min, 3 ° C/min típico
Precisão do controle de temperatura: ±0,5°C
Measurement frequency: 10μHz~30MHz (depending on the impedance analyzer selected)
Precisão da medição: 0.05%
Ambiente de medição: Vacuum atmosphere
Método de controle de temperatura: Multi-stage PID precise temperature control
Measurement principle: Parallel plate capacitor principle
Test channels: canal único / five channels, optional
Amostra de teste: φ<20mm, d< 5mm block
Material do eletrodo: upper electrode semi-circular type platinum electrode, lower electrode flat type platinum electrode
Formato de armazenamento de dados: Formato de texto TXT
Transferência de dados: USB communication
Measurement parameters: Z, Θ, C, D, Z’, Z”, ε’, ε”, tgδ, Cole-Cole
Fonte de energia: 220V±10%, 50Hz, 2.6kW
Temperatura operacional: 5° C a +40c
Temperatura de armazenamento: -40C a +65C
Umidade operacional: até 95% relative humidity at +40%C (sem condensação)
Tamanho do equipamento: 520x420x330mm (CxAxL)
Peso: 35kg
Garantia: 1 ano
Patente No.: 2015206674968