Medición del espectro de temperatura de impedancia dieléctrica

» Medición del espectro de temperatura de impedancia dieléctrica

  • MatMeas DMS 2000 Series High and low temperature dielectric impedance temperature spectrometer

    Medición del espectro de temperatura de impedancia dieléctrica

    The DMS-2000 series high and low temperature dielectric impedance temperature spectrometer is upgraded from the VDMS model, which is unanimously recognized by customers, and the system adopts the principle of parallel plate capacitor and combines with D2149-97 standard design and development. The DMS-2000, together with the self-developed LNP-95 liquid ammonia injection system, can achieve a variable temperature environment from -160°C to 450°C to meet the diversified needs of scientific researches.the self-developed LNP-95 liquid ammonia injection system, can achieve a variable temperature environment from -160°C to 450°C to meet the diversified needs of scientific researches.

    • Presupuesto

    MatMeas DMS-2000 series high and low temperature dielectric impedance temperature spectrometer is upgraded from the VDMS model, which is unanimously recognized by customers, and the system adopts the principle of parallel plate capacitor and combines with D2149-97 standard design and development. The DMS-2000, together with the self-developed LNP-95 liquid ammonia injection system, can achieve a variable temperature environment from -160°C to 450°C to meet the diversified needs of scientific researches.

    Temperatura de medición: -160°C~450C
    Ramp rate: 0-10°C/min, típico 3°C/min
    Precisión del control de temperatura: ±0,5 °C
    Measurement frequency: 10μHz~30MHz (depending on the impedance analyzer selected)
    Precisión de la medición: 0.05%
    Entorno de medición: Vacuum atmosphere
    Método de control de temperatura: Multi-stage PID precise temperature control
    Principio de medición: Parallel plate capacitor principle
    Test channels: un canal solo / five channels, opcional
    muestra de prueba: Fi<20milímetro, d< 5bloque mm
    Material del electrodo: electrodo superior electrodo de platino tipo semicircular, electrodo inferior electrodo de platino tipo plano
    formato de almacenamiento de datos: formato de texto txt
    Transferencia de datos: comunicación USB
    Measurement parameters: Z, Θ, C, D, Z’, Z”, ε’, ε”, tgδ, Cole-Cole
    Fuente de alimentación: 220V±10%, 50Hz, 2.6kilovatios
    Temperatura de funcionamiento: 5°C a +40C
    Temperatura de almacenamiento: -40C a +65C
    Humedad de funcionamiento: hasta 95% relative humidity at +40%C (sin condensación)
    Tamaño del equipo: 520x420x330mm (LxHxW)
    Peso: 35kg
    Garantía: 1 año
    número de patente: 2015206674968



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