Widerstand & Widerstandsmessung

» Widerstand & Widerstandsmessung

  • MatMeasRMS 1000I Series high temperature insulation material resistivity measurement system

    Widerstand & Widerstandsmessung

    Bailibo RMS-1000I high temperature insulating material resistivity measurement system is mainly used to evaluate and measure the electrical properties of insulating materials, the system adopts the design principle of three-ring electrode method and obtains a patent of insulating material resistivity measurement fixture (Patent Nr.: 2019204134342), the standard design and development of insulating material resistance and resistivity test method at high temperature, which can directly measure high temperature, Vakuum, atmosphere conditions of the sample's resistance and body resistivity, leakage current and other curves with temperature and time, the system has been well used in the field of aerospace sensors, is the industry's current high-temperature resistivity measurement of insulating materials preferred system, weit verbreitet in Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten und Unternehmenseinheiten von Materialien für die Hochtemperatur-Isolationsleistungsforschung.

    • Spezifikationen

    MatMeas RMS-1000I high temperature insulating material resistivity measurement system is mainly used to evaluate and measure the electrical properties of insulating materials, the system adopts the design principle of three-ring electrode method and obtains a patent of insulating material resistivity measurement fixture (Patent Nr.: 2019204134342), the standard design and development of insulating material resistance and resistivity test method at high temperature, which can directly measure high temperature, Vakuum, atmosphere conditions of the sample’s resistance and body resistivity, leakage current and other curves with temperature and time, the system has been well used in the field of aerospace sensors, is the industry’s current high-temperature resistivity measurement of insulating materials preferred system, weit verbreitet in Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten und Unternehmenseinheiten von Materialien für die Hochtemperatur-Isolationsleistungsforschung.

    Temperaturbereich: RT-600°C/1000°C
    Temperaturrampe: 0-10°C/Min (typisch: 3C/Min)
    Genauigkeit der Temperaturregelung: ±0,5 °C
    Temperaturregelungsmodus: Präzise PID-Temperaturregelung
    Widerstandsmessbereich: 100Ω~1PΩ
    Messbereich: 1000Ω .cm~1PΩ .cm
    Messumgebung: Luft, fließende Atmosphäre, Vakuumatmosphäre
    Testkanal: Ein-Kanal
    Stichprobengröße: Phi < 25mm, D < 4mm
    Elektrodenmaterial: obere und untere Platinelektrode
    Dämm Material: 99 Aluminiumoxid-Keramik
    Format der Datenspeicherung: TXT-Textformat
    Messmethode: Drei-Ring-Elektroden-Methode
    Patent Nr.: 2019204134342 (Eine Art Isoliermaterial-Widerstandsmessvorrichtung)
    Stromversorgung: 220V±10%, 50Hertz
    Betriebstemperatur: 5C zu + 40C.
    Lagertemperatur: -40°C bis +65C
    Betriebsfeuchtigkeit: bis zu 95% relative Luftfeuchtigkeit bei +40°C (nicht kondensierend)
    Gerätegröße: 630x640x450mm (LxHxB)
    Gewicht: 38kg
    Garantie: 1 Jahr


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