Ferroelectric Analyzer

» Ferroelectric Analyzer

  • MatMeas FEMS Series High precision ferroelectric analyzer

    Ferroelectric Analyzer

    The FEAI100 high precision ferroelectric analyzer is an analytical measurement system designed to evaluate important characteristic parameters of ferroelectric materials, using a virtual ground measurement technology mode, which eliminates external capacitance and reduces the influence of parasitic components compared to the traditional Sawyer-Tower mode, resulting in higher measurement accuracy. The FEAI100 high-precision ferroelectric analyzer is equipped with ±100V and ±10KV high-voltage sources, which can measure the hysteresis lines of bulk and thin film materials, and can obtain important parameters such as spontaneous polarization strength Ps, remanent field polarization strength Pr, coercive field EC and leakage current of ferroelectrics, which are widely used in scientific research of dielectric functional ceramics in universities, research institutes and enterprises.

    • Specifications

    Self-weighting electrode system is adopted to improve the electrode adhesion phenomenon and make the measurement more accurate

    Test range: ±100V/±10KV
    Output current peak: 100mA
    Electrical hysteresis frequency: 1mHz~1kHz
    Material type: block or film
    Minimum pulse width: 2μs
    Sample size: φ<20mm, d<5mm
    Minimum rise time: 1μs
    Power supply: 220V,50Hz/60Hz
    Current measurement range: 10pA~1A
    Weight: 20.7kg
    Maximum load capacitance: 1μF
    Warranty period: 1 year




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